Our recent acheivements

Over 500 advisers, providers, lenders and industry recognised speakers came together to gain the very latest insights from across the financial services industry.

Frog Financial Management is an Appointed Representative of The Right Mortgage Ltd, who held their flagship National Training Event at the beginning of October 2022 at the National Conference Centre, Birmingham.

The culmination of the event is their Award Ceremony for their members, recognising excellence from individual Advisers and Firms alike.

Frog Financial Management and Craig Scott were delighted to be recognised in a number of categories.

Below are the achievements we were recognised for at the event.

Top Individual Adviser Award

Craig Scott
(From 738 Advisors)

Best All-Round Equity Release Adviser Award

Craig Scott
(From 93 Advisers)

Top Firm Award

Third Place
Frog Financial Management
(From 373 Firms)

Top Equity Release Firm Award

Second Place
Frog Financial Management
(From 93 Firms)

Top Firm for Conveyancing Award

Second Place
Frog Financial Management
(From 373 Firms)

Awarded at TRMs NTE event in October 2022 and Later Life Lending Conference in December 2022.